At the same time, I scoffed at the idea of photography with a cell phone. All the while cell phone manufacturers were improving the cameras in cell phones and the photography world started paying attention. Given that almost everyone has a cell phone with a camera, a lot of photographs are being produced by cell phone cameras. But still I scoffed. Real photographs are taken by real cameras.
One day during my usual visit to YouTube I came across a video from a company named Moment. Moment is based in Seattle. They make cell phone cases and lenses that you attach to the case for a number of different cell phone brands. (
Well now, this looked interesting. So I though I’d give it a try. I ordered a case for my iPhone and a couple of lenses.
Moment iPhone XS Max Case and Wide Angle Lens

The case finally arrived after a two month wait. (Apparently a small company does not get the attention from a manufacturer that a larger company does.)
So yesterday I went out to Beckman Mill to shoot a comparison between the native iPhone lens and the Moment wide angle and telephoto lenses. Here are the results.
iPhone lens

Moment wide angle lens (18mm)

Moment telephoto lens (58mm)
I also got the Moment macro lens and shot some frost photographs yesterday morning.
And one more photograph with the Moment 58mm telephoto lens.
So far I’m liking the results but I need to spend more time taking photographs until I’m as comfortable with the iPhone as a camera as I am with my Nikons. Thus the title of this post. When I don’t need all of the capabilities of the Nikons, I plan on shooting with my iPhone and exploring all of its capabilities as a camera. After all, as someone once said “The best camera is the one you have with you.” And I have my iPhone with me all the time.
“Tri-X, f/8, and be there.”