Thursday, October 28, 2021

A PDF Book…

Recently I heard a photographer talk about he created books in PDF format of his images as a way to share his work with others.

I thought it was a great idea so below you’ll find a link to my first PDF book “Musicians of Mountain View.” It a collection of images of various musicians I photographed during the three years that I lived there.

I used Pages on my iPad to create the book and exported it to my Google Drive where I gave access to anyone interested in taking a look.

More books to come.

Musicians of Mountain View

“Tri-X, f/8, and be there”

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Update Finally…

 OK, so it’s been a few months since my last post. A lot has happened in that time.

Gone are both Fuji X-T30s replaced by one Fuji X-T3 and two Fuji X-Pro3s. 

The Fujifilm X-Pro3 is a rangefinder style mirrorless camera with a hybrid viewfinder and LCD that is only viewable when flipped down. The viewfinder can be optical with guidelines and shooting information overlaid, or fully electronic. When the LCD is closed, a sub monitor on the rear of the camera shows shooting information or the current Film Simulation mode.

Now a lot of camera reviewers have trashed this camera because of the inward facing LCD, but it’s my favorite feature. No longer do I have the urge to review the images I’ve taken. I know what I’m getting when I use the EVF so there’s no need to review.

In addition, most if not all reviewers claim that this camera is only good for street photography. I say bull feathers. You can use this camera for almost anything.

My other favorite feature is the shutter speed dial on top of the camera with the integrated ISO dial. Add the exposure composition dial and I’m all set.

Add a lens with an aperture ring and it almost feels like shooting with the Leica M4 I used to own.

I love shooting with this camera. It reminds me so much of how I used to shoot when I first started out in photography over 60 years ago.

“Tri-X, f/8, and be there.“