Thursday, May 31, 2018

The Tamron 1.4X Teleconvereter...

When I bought the Tamron 150-600, which I subsequently sold, I also bought the Tamron 1.4X Teleconverter. I hardly ever use it because I was never happy with the results from it on the 150-600.

So today I thought I’d Give it a try on the Tamron 100-400 on my walk this morning with Roxie. I wanted to check out how the auto focus works and if I could get a sharp image with it.

The photos below are from that walk. It is sharp. These photos were all hand held while holding onto a leash at the same time. Not an ideal shooting situation. What I did learn is that for these kind of close photographs, the f-stop cannot be smaller than f/8. Auto focus did not work well at f/11 in darker conditions like deep shade. In brighter light it worked just fine. More testing on this required.

But I was happy to see the results and can now shoot with this combination with confidence.

1/400 at f/11 - 290mm

1/400 at f/9 - 480mm

1/400 at f/8.5 - 420mm

1/400 at f/11 - 350mm

Tri-X, f/8, and be there

Monday, May 28, 2018


When I process my images with Alien Skin Exposure X3, I add a watermark on exporting the edited image. See lower right on the image below.

As it turns out, you can create a watermark using the image’s metadata. A very useful feature if you want to document the effects of various shutter speeds on an image.

Quite a different effect between 1/500th of a second and 1/20th of a second.

Of course you can over do it. I added the camera, camera model , and serial number.

Tri-X, f/8, and be there

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Giordana Velodrome Friday Night Races...

I was in Rock Hill, South Carolina, recently for a short visit with a sister. On Friday, my sister and I went to the Giordana Velodrome for the Friday Night Races.

The 250m world-class Giordana Velodrome is part of the Rock Hill Outdoor Center at Riverwalk. The facility is owned and operated by the City of Rock Hill and has hosted national and regional caliber races along with several special events and outreach programs.

I’ve never photographed at a velodrome before so I was looking forward to it.

I use my Tamron 100-400 and in addition to stopping the action with a high shutter speed, I used a slow shutter speed and panned with the action. I was very pleased with the results.

Tri-X, f/8, and be there