Saturday, January 18, 2020

Moving to iPad for Image Processing...

Since I bought the Nikon Z50, I’ve been copying photos from the camera to the iPad and post processing them using one of the apps I have. Usually Snapseed. Now none of the apps read Z50 RAW files yet, so I’ve been shooting JPEGS.

For long term storage, the iPad is not ideal. So when I was browsing YouTube the other day I discovered that iOS 13 now allows you to mount a USB drive using the Files app. However, USB drives need more power to run than the iPad can supply. The solution is to use the Lightning to USB 3 Camera Adapter.

The adapter plugs into the iPad, the USB drive into the adapter, and the iPad charging cable in the adapter to provide power.

Then launch the Files app and access the USB hard drive to copy files from the iPad to the drive or files from the USB drive to the iPad.

One thing to note is that the USB drive must be formatted in ExFAT or FAT32 in order for the iPad to mount the drive.

The drive I’m using is a 1TB WD Passport drive.

I’m hoping that the image processing apps I have will soon be updated to be compatible with Z50 RAW files.

“Tri-X, f/8, and be there.”

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