Tuesday, January 9, 2024

52 Photographs - Week 1

Well I certainly haven’t been keeping this blog active and it’s time to change that.

With a change in my circumstances along with a change in my camera gear, I thought I’d start weekly posts for 2024 and show you my favorite photograph of the week. It’s an idea I saw on a web site the other day and thought “why not?”

Thus this project - 52 Photographs. Here’s week number one. Taken on January 1st with an Olympus OM-1, the 12-200mm f/3.5-6.3, ISO 800, 1/30 @ f/6.3. It was taken at Manchester Meadows Park where most mornings I go for a walk with Roxie.

Be sure to check back weekly for the latest favorite photograph.

“Tri-X, f/8, and be there.“

1 comment:

  1. I like the way the leaves appear to be floating, since the branch is so fine as to be nearly invisible.
