Thursday, February 15, 2024

A Little About Focal Length...

 Sometimes even the longest lens you have still is not long enough. This is especially true when there is no way to get closer to your subject. Here is a case in point.

I was out at River Park this morning and saw a couple of cormorants on the large rocks in the Catawba River. Not the first time I've seen them. I had my Olympus OM-1 and the Leica DG Vario-Elmar 100-400mm lens. At 400mm the subject was just about 1/8th of the frame. Not too bad, but I wanted a tighter shot. So I used the 2X Digital Teleconverter that the OM-1 has. Here are three photos. The first was taken at 100mm, the second at 400mm, and the third with the 2X Digital Teleconverter. An amazing difference in reach.

“Tri-X, f/8, and be there.“

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