Friday, May 17, 2024

Another Try Using Pro Capture...

Here's another try using Pro Capture. On Sunday, May 5, I posted some photographs using Pro Capture and explained what Pro Capture is.

Pro Capture is one of the many cool technologies on the Olympus OM-1. Pro Capture works by continuously taking images when you half-press the shutter, but only saving them in temporary memory.  If you let go of the shutter button, these images get deleted. If you fully press the shutter button it saves these images, and more if you keep holding the shutter down.

To set it up first you choose frames per second. I set mine to around 20fps. Second you set Pre Shutter Frames, and third Frame Count Limiter. If you set 15psf (Pre Shutter Frames) and Frame Count Limiter to 25, it means that 15 of your photos will be saved from before you press the shutter and 10 photos will be saved from after you press the shutter. After that, the camera will stop saving photos.

I rarely use Pro Capture because the situations I most often find myself in are not ones that would require its use. However this morning a Northern Mockingbird was hanging out on a fence post and I knew it would not stay too long. So I got ready and sure enough it took off. Better light would have helped, but these I am happy with.

"Tri-X, f/8, and be there."

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