Friday, May 10, 2024

Trilogies 2022…

 In 2022 I entered several possibilities to a LensWork Community Book Project titled Trilogies 2022, three-image collections from LensWork readers. The book features 125 photographers and their three-image projects.

I was fortunate to have one of my entries selected for publication. And this is what was chosen.

These three photographs are part of a project I did photographing my father the last two months of his life. I put together a PDF book that you can take a look at by clicking Dad.

And here is the trilogie as printed in the book.

Since the publication, Brooks Jensen has been posting audio comments on each of the trilogies, beginning with the first one in the book. Today, May 2, 2024, he commented on my trilogie.

I recorded Brooks’ commentary on an iPad and used the audio along with the trilogie to produce the following.

“Tri-X, f/8, and be there.“

1 comment:

  1. I remember seeing these touching photographs when you first posted them. I'm not surprised that they had such an impact on the commentator. Well done, Chris.
